Why choose Collège April Fortier

Many great reasons to choose Collège April-Fortier

Exceptional student placement results

In 2017, Collège April-Fortier has received to-date twice as many job offers from travel industry employers than we have graduates. These employers regularly arrange recruitment days at the Collège.


Personalized service

Collège April-Fortier is a small institution, which allows us to offer a personalized service to our students. Here, everybody has a name. From the moment you contact, you weel feel right at home. We recommend you drop by the college to meet one of our admission counsellors and take the time required to answer all your questions.


A practical and intensive training program

After only six to twelve months of training, the students graduate with an Attestation of College Studies (AEC), and are very well prepared to join the workforce. The courses offered focus on the practical and thus respond favorably to the expectations of the employers in the travel industry.



A new session begins almost monthly, thus allowing the student to select a schedule that’s most suitable. For employers, this ensures a constant availability of new recruits. Classesare also available evenings and Saturdays, and should more flexibility be required, a made-to-measure schedule can be designed.

Personalized job placement assistance

The job placement assistance available at Collège April-Fortier is well appreciated both by employers and students. Employers can expect immediate results in finding the right candidate for the job, while students appreciate the opportunity to enter the workforce soon after graduating. Our placement coordinator, who also teaches at the Collège, and is always active in the travel industry, knows first-hand the students as well as the major players in the industry. She can assist the student in finding the right fit by considering his or her preferences, personality, past experience, and strengths.

This job placement service is available to all our graduates throughout their entire careers.


Training in tune with travel industry needs

The mission of Collège April-Fortier has always been to develop professionals ready to respond to the needs of the travel industry. The course content is constantly evolving, and regular meetings with travel industry leaders ensures that its training remain dynamic and current.

Instructors actively involved in the industry

The expertise and enthusiasm of our teaching staff contributes highly to the quality education that is offered at Collège April-Fortier. Our team of instructors come with many years of experience and are actively involved in the travel industry. In addition, guest lecturers are regularly invited to share their travel industry experience with our students.


Access to government sponsored financial aid programs

The program available at Collège April-Fortier is recognized by the ministère de l’Éducation, de l’Enseignement supérieur, et de la Recherche, and as a result, students are now eligible to obtain financial aid from the provincial government. Students attending evening and Saturday course are also eligible. Our admission counsellors can assist you in determining the amount of financial aid available to you and help in your request. Moreover, tax credits ranging from 15% to 25% of the tuition fees of the tourism course may be applied towards your income. (LCL.16)

Meet with an admission counsellor

Questions about our training?

514-878-1414   /   1-888-878-1414
or by Email

Info career session

Transform your passion into a dream job:
Tourism and its many professional opportunities!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 6:00 PM
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 6:00 PM

In-person and online sessions

Collège April-Fortier
1001, rue Sherbrooke Est, bureau 350
Montréal, QC
H2L 1L3

Phone number: 514 878-1414
Toll free:1 888 878-1414
Fax number: 514 521-5298
