Personalized job placement assistance

Personalized job placement assistance
Our students have access to personalized job placement assistance:
- group visits to the workplace of major employers
- recruitment days organised at school
- lessons on “how to prepare a C.V.” and “how to prepare for a job interview”
- review of the student’s C.V. and letter of presentation
- individual meetings with the placement coordinator
- aptitude testing
- continuous access to job postings
- service available to our graduates throughout their careers
For those students whose career choices are uncertain, a career orientation service is also available, and it remains available to all past graduates forever. Moreover, regular visits of travel companies, presentations by industry spokesmen, and meetings with potential employers are held throughout the duration of the course.
Our placement coordinator, who also teaches at the Collège, and is always active in the travel industry, knows first-hand the students as well as the major players in the industry. She can assist the student in finding the right fit by considering his or her preferences, personality, past experience, and strengths.
This job placement service is available to all our graduates throughout their entire careers.
Collège April-Fortier receives two to three times more job offers from travel industry employers than graduates.
A personalized job placement assistance and exceptional student placement results!

Collège April-Fortier
1001, rue Sherbrooke Est, bureau 350
Montréal, QC
H2L 1L3
Phone number: 514 878-1414
Toll free:1 888 878-1414
Fax number: 514 521-5298