One day student

Become a “student for a day”
The “Student for a Day” activity allows you to experience the life of a student at Collège April-Fortier for a day. During this day, you can attend one or two classes, visit the school, meet an admissions counselor and chat with students.
This formula allows you to validate your choice of training and ensure that our school is the one that best meets your needs.
This activity is free and does not commit you to anything.
To register, you can complete the form below or contact us at or at 514-878-1414 (1-888-878-1414, for people outside of the greater Montreal area).

Student for a day
Collège April-Fortier
1001, rue Sherbrooke Est, bureau 350
Montréal, QC
H2L 1L3
Phone number: 514 878-1414
Toll free:1 888 878-1414
Fax number: 514 521-5298