Future students
Do you wish to increase your skills and quickly join the travel industry? Collège April-Fortier will help you acquire the knowlwdge required to be functional in no time when you enter the travel industry.
Contact us for an appointment or to speak directly to one of our admission counsellors.

Job market
We received twice as many job offers to fill in 2015 than we had students.

Request for information
Any questions? Want to learn more about our college? Contact us.

Meet with an admission counsellor
Contact us for an appointment with one of our admission counsellors.

Info-careers soirée
Come join us for an information soirée describing the variety of careers available in the travel industry.

One day student
Choose a day and come in and sit in on a class.

Personalized job placement assistance
We offer a job-placement service to all our graduates.

Foreign students
Are you an international student and would like to enroll in our courses? Contact us to learn the procedure to follow in order to register at Collège April-Fortier.
Collège April-Fortier
1001, rue Sherbrooke Est, bureau 350
Montréal, QC
H2L 1L3
Phone number: 514 878-1414
Toll free:1 888 878-1414
Fax number: 514 521-5298